If you haven’t heard the term “swing bed,” you’re not alone. But rest assured, it’s a real benefit if you’re a Medicare patient who needs an extended stay at UT Health Pittsburg. While in the swing bed phase of care, you’ll stay in the same room with the same medical team whose goal is helping you become as independent as possible before leaving the hospital.
Swing bed is a program that provides coverage for Medicare patients who need to stay in the hospital past the initial stage of acute care. At this point they qualify for skilled care and receive extra days of hospital recovery time that’s focused on healing.
When is swing bed appropriate?
Within 96 hours of your admission to UT Health Pittsburg, the decision will be made either to release you or put you in the swing bed program for extended hospital recovery.
The goal of our swing bed program is provide extra recovery time to help you achieve your maximum level of function and return home.
What can I expect as a swing bed patient?
If you’re a swing bed patient at UT Health Pittsburg, you’ll stay in your original room with treatment from your existing medical team and help from other specialists as needed. During this extra recovery time, the Medicare designation changes – or swings – from acute (short-term) care to skilled (intermediate) care.
Your medical plan also changes from acute care to skilled care and becomes focused on providing the individualized treatments you need for recovery. In addition to skilled nursing and specialized therapies, you’ll receive daily visits from the UT Health Pittsburg case manager and the hospital’s activities coordinator.
How long can I stay in the swing bed program?
You can remain hospitalized and receive swing bed benefits as long as you are making measurable progress in recovery, as determined by your medical team.
For more information on swing bed care, call 903-946-5574.